• 21 november 2022
  • Mordovia Arena Saransk, Qtar
  • 7:00 am

Match Summary

The Colombia national football team (Spanish: Selección de fútbol de Colombia) represents Colombia in international football competitions and is overseen by the Colombian Football Federation. It is a member of the CONMEBOL and is currently ranked thirteenth in the FIFA World Rankings.[3] The team are nicknamed Los Cafeteros due to the coffee production in their country.

Since the mid-1980s, the national team has been a symbol fighting the country’s negative reputation. This has made the sport popular and made the national team a sign of nationalism, pride and passion for many Colombians worldwide.

It is a member of the CONMEBOL and is currently ranked thirteenth in the FIFA World Rankings.[3] The team are nicknamed Los Cafeteros due to the coffee production in their country

Match News

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